Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I'm Back!

Hi all-

I don’t really know if anyone out there is still visiting this Blog anymore, but I want to let you know that I hope to be posting regularly again. The spring semester is over, and I turned in the last of my grades about a half hour ago! Now I can start making more work (maybe).

Here’s a rundown of the last few months events:

• I taught TOO MANY classes between CVA and MCAD this past semester. I only have 3 classes on the books for fall.

• My wife and I recently purchased a home in St. Paul in the Merriam Park neighborhood (I keep telling everyone that it’s in Mac/Groveland, but it’s Merriam Park). It’s 3 blocks from the famous Izzy’s Ice Cream Shop. We’re not fully moved in yet, but we hope to be soon. And I have a dedicated studio in the new place!! More on that to come...

• I’m currently training with my wife to complete an IronMan Triathlon this fall in Wisconsin. An IM is a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run. Training isn’t going that well. Check out my Triathlon Blog for more info (more than you’d want to know!).

• I’ve just started turning this IM training into a new photo project. Look for some images shortly.

• Just over a month ago, I had a scary incident where I passed out on the sidewalk after teaching a class at CVA. I woke up in the ER. You can read about that by clicking here. Scary.