Monday, March 23, 2009

Jon Arbuckle Teaches Color Theory

I made some new images 2 weeks ago. (I'm trying to wrap up the shooting for this current project, and then move more heavily into the editing and sequencing stage.) I still need to pick up the negatives from DigiGraphics.

In the meantime, this Garfield comic from a week ago made me laugh:

Ha! Good stuff! Back with some new images shortly...

Monday, March 09, 2009

Honesty: NOT Always The Best Policy

If you didn’t know, I’m a college art and design professor. I teach at a few different colleges/universities in the area. I teach mostly photo/design/media classes. But at one of the schools, I also teach a Foundation Color Theory course.

Before we jump right in to color, we first reacquaint ourselves with value. One of our first projects was a 9-step achromatic value scale. One student had some troubles, and on his/her envelope, he/she labeled it like this:

"9 Value Scale of Crap"
(I removed the student’s name to protect his/her identity)

Honesty: not always the best policy.