Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kernels Days Show

Two posts down, I mentioned a grant that I received to print, frame, and show work at “Kernels Days” in Wells, MN. Much of the work I’ve done over the last 8 years has been focused around that community, and it will be exciting to show the work to the people from that area.

The city of Wells obtained a Minnesota State Arts Board Grant that will go toward printing, matting, and framing costs associated with this mini- exhibition. These were the images I sent the city that they used in obtaining the grant:

So I’ll have that work plus some older and newer work to show everyone in and around Wells. I hope to have at least 20 pieces in the show, which should take place in late August. I’ll keep you all updated as I learn more.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Living on a Wisconsin Island...

...and teaching a digital photo class.

That’s my life for an upcoming 5 days. The College of Visual Arts is doing a series of summer classes on Stout Island in central WI. It’s a small island with quite the history. It contains a big lodge, an old boathouse on the lake, and a number of small cabins. Here’s the island from above on their website:

And here’s a bit about the class I’m teaching (also from their website):

Should be fun! I’ll make sure to post about it when I’m back.

Friday, June 11, 2010

So It’s Been A While...

Sorry. I’ve been away from here for a while. I haven’t been making too many new images, but I’ve got a few things in the works:

• I received a little grant to print, frame, and show a number of my images at “Kernels Days” in Wells, MN. I’ve shot many of my photos in or around Wells, so it will be interesting to show the images to the people from that community. It will mostly be images from my Faribault County series. More on this to come...

• I started a new mini-project last week just to keep me thinking about making photos everyday. It’s a daily photo log of what sort of triathlon training I did that day. It’s a way to combine my “triathlon world” with my “photo world.” We’ll see what happens with it. Right now, I’m just showing it to my friends on Facebook. Maybe I’ll post some here after another week or 2.

• I’m teaching a week-long digital photography workshop on Stout Island in WI in a few weeks. It’s a tiny island resort that I’ll be running around along with 10 adult students as I teach them about photography and digital imaging. Should be a blast! I’ll post about it afterwards.

• I’m currently teaching a summer Color Theory class at CVA. It’s just a long class 2 days a week, but it always takes more time than I think it will. Thankfully, it’s a good group of students!

So that’s about it. I hope to be updating more regularly again. Happy Summer!