Monday, March 19, 2012

Analog Photo Mini-Documentary

Julian Williams, a filmmaking student at MCAD, just got done making a 5 minute documentary. His subject matter was photography students who choose to work analog in a growing "digital world." He focused on 3 photography majors at CVA (where I teach and manage the photo labs, and also my alma mater).

Here's Julian's video:

Direct link:

I love Geoff's 2 opening lines at the 0:25 mark. It's very.... "Geoff."

The darkrooms seen in the video are from our photo labs at CVA. It's fun to see them as part of this.

The entire documentary is really nicely done... but as a "photo guy," I really enjoyed the closing credits. Of course.

Sh*t Photographers Say

"Does this camera have 'P' for 'professional'?"

"We can fix that in post." (I despise that line!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Camera Shaped Soap Molds

Check out this Etsy seller to purchase some camera shaped soap molds (if you make your own soap [and who doesn't?]).

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Kodak To Stop Making Slide Film

Breaking news from Kodak's website:

Discontinuance Notice
March 1, 2012

Due to a steady decrease in sales and customer usage, Kodak is ceasing production of KODAK PROFESSIONAL ELITE Chrome Extra Color 100 Film. We estimate that, based on current sales pace, supplies of this film are expected to be available in the market for the next six to nine months; however, inventories may run out before then, depending on demand.

I believe that's it - I don't think Kodak is making ANY more slide film. I'd say "I'm sad..."

....if I still shot slide film.

Instead I'll say "I think we all saw that coming."