Saturday, September 26, 2015

A 20 Gigapixel File in Production

David Bergman just made a 20 GIGApixel photo at Yankee Stadium. Below is a behind-the-scenes video showing him shooting it and some of the prints in production. Here's what Bergman said about the project:

I shot 825 Canon 5DsR images (50 megapixels each) at Yankee Stadium a few months ago and stitched them together to create a 20,000 megapixel photo. It might be the largest resolution image ever made at a live event (as opposed to a static landscape shot). A 130-foot long, 20-foot high print was on display at the Canon Expo in NYC. You can even read the prices at the hot dog stand over 400 feet away.

I'd recommend hitting the FULL SCREEN button near the lower right of the video.

Direct link:

It took an hour to shoot, and the final file took 3 months of post-production. Here's Bergman (posing with "fake" baseball players) at the Canon Expo with his photo set up on the outskirts of a mini ballpark:

Click photo to enlarge.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Eastern Wahoo Leaves, Organized Neatly

It wouldn't be early autumn if I didn't post a pick like this:

Click photo to enlarge.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Nerdy First Week of Class

I posted this on Instagram yesterday. I love the first days of the semester in my photo class:

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Adjunct Professors

I saw this in the Sunday paper this past weekend. Being I started classes this week, it seemed appropriate to share. Here's a little humor from Doonesbury that hits the nail on the head:

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The Minnesota State Fair at 4 a.m.

Another photo from 4 a.m. from this morning (click to enlarge):

A ticket booth during a thunderstorm before the 7th day of the Minnesota State Fair.

See my first "4 a.m." photos HERE.