Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lego Camera

A recent post of mine on Instagram:

Caption: My son got a Lego set that includes a camera for Christmas. #ProudDaddy

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Frosty Trees at Christmas

Just a quick iPhone snap from my parents yard in rural Minnesota this Christmas...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Big '4 a.m.' Print

I made my first "bigger" print from the 4 a.m. series through White House Custom Color recently:

Shipped print, pre-framed.

See the first of my 4 a.m. photos HERE, and see some more HERE.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"Open Studios" Event at Hamline University

Last night was Hamline University's "Digital Media Arts Open Studios Day." All classrooms within the Digital Media Arts (DMA) program at Hamline were opened up, and they were displaying student work from this semester.

The photo/design classroom had websites and games that the students worked on, the 3D classroom had 3D printed work, there was design work and photography hanging in the hall, a few installations, and some animations being played on a big TV. Outside of the DMA area, the drawing studios had work hung all over, and there was work up outside of the printmaking classroom. Basically, you could wander around the DMA / art department here at Hamline and find lots of work up. Here are a few photos I snapped throughout the night:

The Open Studios flier that was up all over campus (hanging next to the tech support sign in the DMA area).

A photo that I Instagrammed as the night got underway.

Design work and photography hung in the halls.

Watching an animation.

Students (of mine) looking at some work from my photography class.

Design work.

Design work.


... and some of the pizzas!

Here was the big exhibition space outside of the printmaking studio in the lobby of the Drew Fine Arts building:

An iPhone panorama.

Another iPhone shot.

Here was the set-up in my classroom, which was displaying games made in the Intro to DMA course (which anyone could sit down and play), along with some web design work:

People playing games and checking out the work.

One of the drawing studios had work hung all over for the "Open Studios" event:

One of my former students walked into the shot. I told him I'd use it.

Root beer on tap!

I closed out the night back in the DMA area:

Checking out the 3D printers.

Some models from a 3D printed project.

More people watching the animations.

Back in the hallway near my classroom.

DMA logo work along with a 3D printed logo.

There was a great turnout, including Hamline's President and Provost. Thanks to everyone who came to see the work!

Learn more about the Digital Media Arts program at Hamline HERE.

Saturday, December 12, 2015


I was working in my studio last week, and I found this quote written down (and apparently I posted something like this before, about a year ago):
Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.
- Chuck Close on Charlie Rose

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Career Day at White Bear Lake High School

Yesterday I was 1 of maybe 50 professionals to talk about what we do at a big "career day" at White Bear Lake High School. I was asked to speak to a few groups of 5-8 students each who were interested in either being photographers or college professors.

Isn't this the strangest bathroom? I don't know why there's a bull on that table
(or why there's a table) because their mascot is a bear.