Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Fun Photo Links

It's been a while since I've done a "news" post, and although most of these aren't "news," I'm still using that tag. Here are 5 things I've recently found interesting in the photography world:

• 1: There's a new app called the KODAK Reel Film App that can tell you where to find movies being shown on film (not digital projection):

• 2: A photographer/videographer recently discovered this AMAZING Nikon store in London. This is a 35 minute video, but parts of it are quite interesting, especially if you're a bit of a history buff:

Direct link: https://youtu.be/qlxcpD5-sGA

• 3: I don't know how to feel about this one... Relonch is a service where you take photos, send them to Relonch, and they send back fixed up files. For $99/month, they fix up and send back SOME of the files you upload by 9 a.m. the next morning. (The example files they show seem vignette-heavy with high contrast.)

This video explains it a bit:

Direct link: https://vimeo.com/190791985

Photos of the camera that comes with the Relonch service:

• 4: I know it's a few weeks into the new year already, but if you need a photo challenge for 2017, check out this "365 photo project" calendar:

• 5: Finally, I shared this link a few weeks ago, but it's worth sharing again. Here's the New York Times "Year in Pictures" for 2016. Some amazing work in there. Lots of political stuff (if you're into that).

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Words vs. Pictures

If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera.
-Lewis Hine

Saturday, January 07, 2017

New York Times "The Year in Pictures"

Here's part of what Susan Chira wrote for the opener to the 2016 New York Times "The Year in Pictures:"

IT WAS A YEAR to be confounded, shocked, humbled.

Donald J. Trump won the American presidency, defying polls, mockery and fear to defeat Hillary Clinton. Britons jolted their country and the world by voting to leave the European Union. Syria’s agony played out before a largely indifferent world, its children staring into the camera with eyes wide in terror, blood flecking their clothing.

The president of the Philippines unleashed a merciless war on drugs, boasting of killing drug dealers himself when he was a mayor, and many of his citizens cheered him on. Climate change created a new class of refugees, even as climate-change skeptics were nominated to key United States cabinet posts.

And talk about shocking: The Chicago Cubs won the World Series after a drought of 108 years.

It was a year so unexpected, so tumultuous, that the fight has just begun over which narrative might possibly explain it. For some, it was the comeuppance of the elites and the rebellion of the forgotten white working class. Or it was the triumph of resentment, rage and racism. Or payback for identity politics. Or perhaps it was a rallying cry for identity politics. [...]

There are hundreds of amazing pictures in this gallery. I can't even try to pick a few to share here. Go check it out for yourself. Please. It's amazing.

Monday, January 02, 2017

Drone Fails

Sometimes kids ruin things, sometimes pets get in the way, and sometimes... you're just not too smart.

Direct Link: youtu.be/7Kfqbp9kn80