Monday, November 08, 2021

A North Shore Trip with my Holga

Last month, my family and I headed up along the North Shore of Lake Superior to visit some State Parks. My boys and I had been to most of Minnesota's State Parks, and we just had a few more along the North Shore to hit before having been to all 73 parks. I brought my plastic Holga camera on the trip as well. My boys got their last stamps in their "passport" books at Tettegouche State Park making it official that they'd been to every MN State Park.

Here's a quick chronological look at our trip through the blurry eyes of my Holga.

[click each image to enlarge]

Ellingson Island near Split Rock Lighthouse

Split Rock Lighthouse in the distance

A view over Lake Superior

The High Falls on Pigeon River (the tallest waterfall in MN)

My family on a foot bridge at Judge CR Magney State Park

Upper Falls at Judge CR Magney

Temperance River State Park

Temperance River State Park

Temperance River State Park

Temperance River State Park

Temperance River State Park

The boardwalk around Bensen Lake at George Crosby Manitou State Park

Palisade Head at Tettegouche State Park (a 300' cliff)

My family on some cliffs at Tettegouche State Park (with Palisade Head in the distance above them)

Tettegouche State Park

Trees in Tettegouche State Park

Tettegouche State Park

Tettegouche State Park

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

The Changing Seasons

I just finished pulling up my vegetable garden for the year (we had a mild October, so we let it go for a while), and I feel compelled to make a photo like this each fall:

Click here for a slightly larger version.

Monday, November 01, 2021