Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Minnesota State Fair at 4 a.m.

Last month, I was granted access to the Minnesota State Fair during the 4 a.m. hour as the State Fair was underway. I spent a few early mornings at the State Fair making photos. Here's a selection of what I was able to capture, arranged roughly chronologically.

Click any image to enlarge.

Damp picnic tables.

Corn roast.

Grandstand ramp.

Live reptiles.

Tables at "The Peg" restaurant.


El Camino and gladiolus outside of the Agriculture Horticulture Building.

Sunflowers and lights.

Bumper cars.

Ferris wheel before sunrise.

Pronto Pups.

Ferris wheel.

Ball Park Cafe.

Fresh French Fries.

Outside the Food Building with the Agriculture Horticulture Building in the background.

Washing cows. (By FAR the most activity during the 4 a.m. hour was in or near the barns.)

Sheep building.

What the Hay!

Sunflowers and hay bales.

Photo op.

Horse barn.

Sweet Martha's Cookies.

Minnesota Beef Expo.

Large cattle.


State Fair.

Knitted Elvis.

A crocheted bison.

World's Largest Midway.

Blue Barn.

Lost stroller.

Standard Oil Co.

Only in MN.

Food Building deliveries.

Empty Food Building (a striking scene if you know about the madness that is usually happening in there).

Danielle Hunter and Kirk Cousins.

Miracle of Birth Barn.

Uncle Sam in the Horse Barn.

Early morning practice in the Coliseum.

Empty Coliseum.

Follow me on Instagram at @PhotoStenzel to see more.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Photogram Project

In my darkroom photography class at Concordia, students recently turned in their photogram project. A photogram is simply laying objects on light sensitive paper in the darkroom, and then shining light on the paper. It's a great introduction to the darkroom. We had some design elements that we were using to create our compositions, and each student also turned in one photogram that was autobiographical. Here are a few of the final prints from my students:



Clark’s autobiographical piece


Molly’s autobiographical piece


Rylie’s autobiographical piece



Kendra’s autobiographical piece

Zang Gao




Sam’s autobiographical piece

Here’s a link from a few weeks ago with my student’s working in the darkroom for the first time.