Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Faculty Feedback

My reviews are in from my 3 classes this past semester. And it was all really solid, so I just had to share. First, here are all the comments in 2 sections from my class in the Design Department at the University of Minnesota:

[click to enlarge]

I'm really happy to see so much about my students getting good feedback.

And here are some final comments from my students in my 2 classes at Concordia University:

In that first one, I'm not surprised to read something about "challenging" but "low stress" because that's sort of my vibe.

And I love the final comment of that last one: "Free spirit, nerdy, amazing instructor who knows his stuff" - happy to be labeled that! :)

Thursday, May 18, 2023

End-of-Semester Scenes

Just before finals, I was walking around both of the universities where I’m currently teaching, and I found myself snapping some pics with my phone. Sort of for memory’s sake.

First in McNeal Hall at the University of Minnesota:

[Click each image to enlarge]

Book jacket designs up in the hall.

Album cover designs.

McNeal Hall is a funky amalgamation of buildings.

My classroom for this past semester.

Next are some of the empty halls of Concordia University:

Looking back towards the art building.

The odd little tunnel to the art building.

Outside the library.

My classroom for both of my classes this past semester.

I’ve always loved these crammed bulletin boards outside of the Mac Lab.
There’s an old CVA Action postcard back there if you can spot it.
(See also here, here, and here.)

I've always enjoyed this.

Outside the darkroom.

Just outside my office - some shots from solo exhibition last year (see also this post).

Happy summer break!