Monday, June 26, 2006

The Golden Light Awards Grand Prize!

This morning, I received an incredible phone call. About 2 weeks ago, I entered my work in a contest called the Golden Light Awards in Rockport Maine. I entered the project competition for a body of work. I had trouble deciding what one of 6 categories to enter. I wanted to enter in the “Documentary & Photojournalism” category, but my work is moving away from being documentary in nature. So, to be fair, I entered in the “Personal & Fine Art” category. There were some prizes listed, as well as awards for the top winner in each division.

But it turns out it didn’t matter what category I entered, because I was informed this morning that I was chosen as the overall Grand Prize Winner!! How spectacular is that?! The details are still coming in as to what all of this means, but I know that I’ll be showing some prints in Maine (possibly in New York as well), I’ll receive free tuition to a class at the Maine Photographic Workshops, and I’ve won a handful of photo-related prizes (digital camera, gift certificates to photo-related business, etc.). I’ll keep you posted!

P.S. Contact sheet images are coming soon...Stay tuned.


  1. CONGRATS Steve! You know you're awesome.

  2. Just promise you'll remember us when you're rich and famous.

  3. Steve, The way in which you use and recognize your talents continues to amaze me! Congratulations-that is outstanding! Even if you are not the favorite in-law in the Linder family-I RAVE about you!


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!