Thursday, August 17, 2006

GREAT NEWS to Start Day 2!

Sarah had left a message for me saying that someone from the NY Times Magazine was trying to contact me. OK...that can only be a good thing.

It took some phone and e-mail tag, but Joanne from the Times and I were finally able to connect. The NY Times Magazine wants me to be their photographer for a cover story for an October issue!! I need to go back up to Minneapolis this Saturday for one shoot, and then there will be another one in the following month or so. I am excited beyond belief!


  1. Very exciting news Steve. You'll be too famous for all of us. As for the PBR, you've got it all wrong. I think you might be well served to try it again.
    Your lodgings look like they fit you to a T?
    Congratulations on the assignment.
    Dan Ritter

  2. holy hell that's TIGHT!


  3. OMFG STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is so awesome! I'm sooo happy for you! Obviously you're doing something right! :D
    I can't wait to see the cover story (even if it isn't till October)!

  4. You're a Photo Rock Star Steve... it has a nice ring to it doesn't it!

  5. that is seriously awesome steve! congrats and well done. you'll have to let us know when that issues comes out.

  6. Dude! That's amazing!!!!! Congrats and well done and I CAN'T WAIT TO CHECK IT OUT!


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!