Monday, August 21, 2006

Residency Day 4 and 5 (Including NY Times Shoot)

Saturday was the NY Times Magazine photoshoot. I think things went well. I took many MANY photos, and had a great time with the families. I don’t want to say too much about it or show any pictures (keeping the families privacy in mind), but you can check out the article that should hit newsstands at the end of October. If the families involved are reading this, thank you for your hospitality, and for a great meal! Your children are delightful and endlessly entertaining! I wish you all the best.

After the shoot, I swung by home to say hi to Sarah and her new bike, Tony. She (and the cats) were getting along fine without me. I left home and headed back to Red Wing, taking a few photos in New Trier at the church once it was dark along the way.

Sunday, day 5 of my 16 day stay, started very slow. I was up early and out the door by 6:45. I ran all around Red Wing and some nearby communities. I got back to the house for lunch with the other residents after being out for 5 hours. I still hadn’t taken one photo. I don’t think my camera even left its bag. Slow, depressing start to the day.

But after we all ate, I took Lori (the painter), Sanjna, and Susan (both writers) to Welch. Susan sat in the Trout CafĂ© and wrote, Sanjna and Lori took an hour tube “ride” down the Cannon River, and I photographed people in the river. On the river, I found a family collecting Crayfish to feed their chickens and many semi-drunk inner-tubers. In fact, I was mooned twice by one young “lady.” (Don’t be looking for that photo here.)

We all went back to the Anderson Center, and I left for town shortly after. I found a Quaker family (at least I think they’re Quakers) having a picnic near a marina on the Mississippi.


  1. Hi!Haven't looked for a week - very interesting! - heard the GREAT news Sat night and then talked to Sarah yesterday bout it some more - how EXCITING!!! - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! -have a fantastic week - and get some sleep!!- this is your mommy speaking!!LOVE!!MAW

  2. i like the quaker pics : ) they're gorgeous


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