Saturday, September 02, 2006

Residency: Last Day and Back Home

I woke up early on the 31st, and went to the Tannery (making leather). I met the president, Buck Foot, and he gave me a personal tour as I made photos. I’m not sure I was able to make anything spectacular.

I packed my car, turned in my keys, and checked out the Anderson Center. As I went up to my room for the last time to check for anything I may have left behind, I walked through the door smiling. I couldn’t really help it. I looked around while smiling. I walked down the steps and out the front door while smiling. I had a great time there, and I had met some great people.

When I left Red Wing for St. Paul, I headed straight for home. I dropped off my expensive camera equipment, took my bike off the car rack, and went into Minneapolis for a meeting with the other Photo Professors at the University of Minnesota. I was right back in the swing of things. It seemed as if I had forgotten about the photos that I had made in Red Wing; I was right back in teacher mode. I couldn’t forget about these photos and their stories, so I knew I needed to start getting them on paper (or in a computer). So I had Sarah drive my car on our way back from her brothers’ football game last night, and I typed for 2 hours. If I met you in Red Wing, and you think I may be writing about our meeting, you can contact me and I’ll send you my version of events.

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