Wednesday, November 01, 2006

14 Hours to My NY Flight

EARLY tomorrow morning, Sarah will be dropping me off at the airport. I'll be on my way to the PhotoPlus Expo in New York City. Two bits of bad news though:

1. The NY Times Magazine cover was put off until Dec 3 (see last post). If it hadn't been put off, it would have been the current cover image while I was out in NY, and that would have been a spectacular thing to discuss with other photographers.

2. I just found out earlier today that the show that was to highlight the Golden Light Awards at PhotoPlus is ALSO being delayed a month or 2. Now, my work that won the GLA won't be up at PhotoPlus. Even less to talk about with the photographers at the expo...

Well, whatcha gonna do. I'm still going to make the most of it and hopefully make some good connections and meet some great people. Bon Voyage.

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