Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Work Up Around the U.S.

If you are in the right neighborhoods around the US, stop in and see my work. I currently have work up in the Wellington B. Gray Gallery at the East Carolina University in Greenville, NC; and at the Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock, TX.

I have 2 prints in the “5th Photographic Image Biennial” in North Carolina:

Mark Klett, photographer and writer, was the juror for the NC show. I'm a big fan, so I was thrilled to have him look at my work, and more thrilled to have him choose 2 pieces of mine for the show.

And I have 1 print in “Illuminance,” a biennial photography exhibit in Texas:

Let me know if you can see either of these shows. I won’t be able to, and I’m curious as to how my work looks in relation to the rest of the show. Thanks!

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Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!