Friday, December 21, 2007

“16 Days In Red Wing”

Here’s the finished book!

I have 48 of them in my possession right now. I’ll have 12 more shortly, and I’ll make the final 40 when there’s enough demand. The edition (if you can add) is capped at 100 books. All books are signed and numbered by me. Right now, I’m selling them for $45, which is a steal! (Add $5 if you’d like me to ship it to you.)

Contact me if you are interested in purchasing a book: stevestenzelphotography @ or 763.913.2977.

Also, in case you missed it, I had another piece in the NY Times Magazine this past weekend. That makes 3 pieces in the last 4 months.


  1. Ohhhh Ahhhh, it's gorgeous! I have to see one of those in person, I might even buy one. I'm a sucker for artist books!

  2. Just stopping by to say Merry Christmas. :-)

  3. This is late in coming, but congrats Steve on all the work in the New York Times magazine, that's awesome!

  4. I did miss it. It doesn't help that I don't really read NYT magazine. We are doing our best not to buy from food factories. Pasture raised and fed, thats the way to go for our health, everyones health and ethically in my opinion.

  5. Book Book Book Book Book, did I mention that I want to buy one?

  6. Steve - Thanks for the comment on my blog and the well-wishes!! I checked out your speedo blog - way to go to your and your wife on IM. That waxing looks pretty um...well...painful. :)

    Anyway, I wanted to comment here because I am a huge foodie/Michael Pollan fan (he's one of my heroes) and I saw that article. GREAT photos! Look forward to checking out more of your work!!

  7. Saw your comment on my blog and decided to check you out. Got to your 8/22 post about inspiration. The video is moving to say the least. Team Hoyt has been somewhat in the news, in an obscure way, for some years now. Great material on the motivational speaker circuit, but, of course, they really don't get it. It's not only about achievement and therapy, it's about love.

    I recently finished reading a book that you might find interesting. It's titled "The Shack". It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, sometimes at the same time.

  8. good lord... these photos are big business! Great to meet you and thanks for cheering at steelhead!

  9. Pretty cool place you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

    Kate Hakkinen


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!