Thursday, October 16, 2008

Work at Fallon’s HQ

I was recently contacted by an art buyer from Fallon (world renowned design firm - among other things, they produced the famous “Cat Herding” Super Bowl commercial a few years ago). Their art buyer wanted to hang 2 of my pieces at Fallon’s headquarters in downtown Minneapolis (Fallon also has offices in London, Singapore, and Tokyo). I went downtown this morning to drop off the pieces.

Here they are outside of my car, ready to be delivered (I’m such a geek for taking a photo of this, I know). The smaller image is framed 18x22, and the larger image is framed 23x28:

I call this image “Two Photos and Wheel-Well Rust.”

I headed up to the 24th floor and dropped of the work. Then I took a minute to enjoy the view. Here are the fall colors in the distance from 24 stories up:

Out another window was the Foshay Tower:

After taking in the views, I thanked the woman who helped me at Fallon, and took a minute to walk along the farmers market down Nicollet Ave:

New images shortly. I promise...

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