Friday, November 28, 2008

Rhodes Scholar and CVA Holiday Show

First of all, I’d like to congratulate one of my current students, Ashley Nord. She was just named one of this years Rhodes Scholars! I will be the first to say that, being her Digital Photography instructor, I had everything nothing to do with her success. Here’s her bio in the official press release:

Ashley L. Nord, Rapid City, will graduate in December from the University of Minnesota with a triple major in physics, astrophysics and global studies, and a minor in Spanish. A pole vaulter who won fourth place in the Big Ten championships, she has conducted research in biophysics at ULCA and astronomy at the Universities of Hawaii and Minnesota. She has also been active as a tutor, and is writing a senior thesis on the drug trade between Latin America and the United States. At Oxford, Ashley will do a doctorate in physics.

I want to invite all of you to the College of Visual Arts Holiday Sale! Current students, faculty, staff, and alumni have work VERY reasonably priced at this holiday sale in St. Paul. The sale contains work that is all priced under $200! And there's a silent auction for more expensive pieces. The artists receive 50% of the sale, and the remainder goes to different scholarship funds at the College. Come check it out! I’ll be there for the preview party on Friday night, and then for the sale on Saturday.

173 Western Ave, St. Paul
(@ Western and Selby)

December 6th, 10 am - 4 pm

See you there!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Minne Photo Show

Tonight was the opening of the “Minne Photo Show” at Fallon in downtown Minneapolis. It was a collection of great Minnesotan photographers, and I was honored to be a part of it!

You can see the writeup about the show here:

In case that site isn’t up forever, here are 2 screen shots. This is the little write-up about which art is on which floor (I’m the one with the church and the Clydesdales on the 25th floor):

And here’s my work on their site, right next to my friend Erika Ritzel:

I got a “private tour” of the show with their art buyer, Kerri, along with 2 of the photographers in the show: Brian Lesteberg (whom I’ve known since grad school) and Kristine Heykants (whom I met in Santa Fe over 2 years ago [even though she’s a local]).

I hope everyone at Fallon is able to enjoy the great local work on their walls for a few more weeks!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Lunchtime Lecture at CVA

Two days ago, I gave a “Lunchtime Lecture” at the College of Visual Arts in St. Paul. I presented the last few bodies of work from the last few years for the students, faculty, and staff. When it was over, Kelly Hulander (who sets up the lectures) told me that there were 3 times the amount of people at my talk than at any of the others! Great! I hope they liked it!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Show at Silver Eye Center For Photography

The 2-person show that I was just a part of recently came down. It was in the New Works Gallery at the Silver Eye Center for Photography in Pittsburgh, PA. Here are 2 screenshots from their website:

And a close-up:

It's interesting how they paired me with another Mid-Westerner. I don't know how that makes me feel...

Anyway, back to teaching. Time to go push back the frontiers of vagueness...