Monday, November 03, 2008

Show at Silver Eye Center For Photography

The 2-person show that I was just a part of recently came down. It was in the New Works Gallery at the Silver Eye Center for Photography in Pittsburgh, PA. Here are 2 screenshots from their website:

And a close-up:

It's interesting how they paired me with another Mid-Westerner. I don't know how that makes me feel...

Anyway, back to teaching. Time to go push back the frontiers of vagueness...

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to finally be able to see some of your recent work. Sometimes I think you're becoming too much a jock. Not really becoming, since I doubt it's even possible for you, but escaping into the mind-numbingness of it. I think eventually you'll have to give it up, for ART!

    You're never more eloquent, than when photographing your own foot, or some other body part, but I still don't see many FOOT PHOTOS here. When more of the physical stuff from the jog blog makes it over here, then you'll be less a SPLIT PERSONALITY, less SCHIZO, less PHILISTINE, a better photographer and eventually maybe an ARTIST.


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!