Wednesday, June 24, 2009

12x12 Show at CVA

Sorry for 3 posts in a row about the same show, but I have a few more images to share that I took last night. I was able to see the show with no huge crowd (unlike at the opening). I was teaching a summer course at the College of Visual Arts, and the gallery was open when we wrapped up class. Here's a few of the back corner of the gallery:

All 2D work had to be EXACTLY 12 inches by 12 inches. It lends itself to a formally interesting show, with a variety of work. Here's a view looking to the front of the gallery:

That's my piece to the far left of that image, right by the front window. Good exposure! Here's yet a closer view:

And finally, one shot for Mom, showing me with my piece. Mine's the one I'm pointing to......

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