Wednesday, June 24, 2009

12x12 Show at CVA

Sorry for 3 posts in a row about the same show, but I have a few more images to share that I took last night. I was able to see the show with no huge crowd (unlike at the opening). I was teaching a summer course at the College of Visual Arts, and the gallery was open when we wrapped up class. Here's a few of the back corner of the gallery:

All 2D work had to be EXACTLY 12 inches by 12 inches. It lends itself to a formally interesting show, with a variety of work. Here's a view looking to the front of the gallery:

That's my piece to the far left of that image, right by the front window. Good exposure! Here's yet a closer view:

And finally, one shot for Mom, showing me with my piece. Mine's the one I'm pointing to......

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CVA Alumni Show Reception

Friday night was a lot of fun! I was able to catch up with some former classmates (and a few former faculty members) that I hadn't seen in YEARS. The CVA gallery and Room 404 next to the gallery were full of people the whole time I was there. I didn't actually make it into the gallery until I'd been there for about an hour (I kept running into old friends).

Here's a shot from the back of the gallery as the reception was winding down:

Look closely at the middle of that image. That's my photograph as the very first piece of art on the wall at the very front of the gallery:

I used the image of the tricycle as the image that would TRY to encompass the entire project. That's a tough thing for one piece to do, and I don't know that it completely worked.... Anyway, this is the piece I'm referring to:

That's all for now...

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Show Opening

Just a quick note to invite you all to an opening at the College of Visual Arts Gallery at 173 Western Avenue in St. Paul (on the corner of Western and Selby avenues). The opening is this Friday, June 12th, from 6-9 pm. I'll be there for most of it. I'd love to see you there!

I'll snap some photos at the reception. It should be a pretty cool show. I'll post again next week. Thanks!