Saturday, December 12, 2009

CVA Art Sale

Friday, Dec 4th through Sunday, Dec 6th, CVA held it's annual Holiday Art Sale. Friday night was the "Preview Party" where you could pay to get in and get first dibs on reasonably priced artwork. Saturday and Sunday, the sale was free to attend. I was there part of all 3 days.

On Friday during the Preview Party, I snapped a few photos.

404 full of work just before the doors opened.

CVA students putting the final touches on the layout.

Work in the silent auction.

The sale filling up.

Silent auction.

People looking for a deal.

The weekend was a lot of fun, and hopefully a success for CVA. 50% of each sale goes to the student / faculty / alumnus who is selling the work, and the other 50% goes into the CVA Scholarship Fund. I sold a big piece in the silent auction and a few small ones in the sale, so I was able to help out and earn a few bucks of my own.

Happy winter everyone!


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