Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kernel Days Parade (part 1)

I scanned some Holga negatives of some images that I made at "Kernel Days" late this past summer. This is the first round of rough scans. I'll have more in the next few days.

Here are a few that are posted chronologically from pre-parade through about the half-way point:

"Boyscout walking along the parade line-up"

"Chevy, firetrucks, and tractor"

"Color Guard"

"The girls from 'Little Miss Kernels' waiting to start the route"

"Shriner's cars lined up"

"Color Guard and the grain elevator"

"Firetruck and True Value"

"The band in front of the drug store"

"The world's largest firing rifle"

I like having this blog to throw up ideas and images that are VERY new to me. It's risky, but I like putting images out there that I haven't fully come to terms with yet. So if you have any thoughts, please comment and leave some feedback. Thanks!

Back with more soon.

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