Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Setting up for the CVA Holiday Sale

A week ago, the CVA gallery started filling up with work for the upcoming Holiday Sale:

Students dropping off work

Labeling work

Making labels

Work filling up in the bins

Yesterday, I stopped back to see how it was all shaping up. The gallery had work stashed everywhere, and the walls were starting to get covered:

Larger work starting to go up

Most of the gallery

LOTS of full bins

Small sculptural pieces, homemade journals, and small paintings

That's a turkey made out of tablespoons on the lower right

I think I need to purchase this shirt...

So set some time aside this weekend to head to the CVA gallery and purchase some great artwork. It makes a great gift! The gallery is in the Cathedral Hill neighborhood of St. Paul. (Click here to see where the gallery is located using Google Maps.)

Holiday Art Sale Preview:
Friday, December 3, 5 – 8 p.m.

$25 at the door
$20 advance purchase
[Go to CVA's website to purchase.]

Holiday Art Sale:
Saturday, December 4, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. FREE!
Sunday, December 5, 12 – 4 p.m. FREE!

A view looking into the gallery from the street

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