Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why We're Here: Twin Cities

This isn't really "photo" related, but good video work turns me on like good photography. Adam Olson, an acquaintance of mine from grad school, did the camera work for this video. It's a locally produced piece about why people live in the Twin Cities. Here's what the production company has to say about the piece:

With all the possibilities around the world, what is the “it” that keeps people here in the Twin Cities? We suspected the answer to the question "Why We're Here" was both simple and incredibly nuanced -- worthy of art. We took our camera to the streets of Minneapolis and St. Paul to find people willing to talk, unscripted, on film. The result is our collective love poem to the Twin Cities.

Why We're Here: Twin Cities is a six-minute film that explores what unites us, and unites us here, in the Twin Cities. Filmed on location the spring and summer of 2010 in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, the film features an original score by John Munson of the New Standards, the Twilight Hours, Semisonic and Trip Shakespeare.

Visit to post your response and tell us, with all the possibilities that exist in the world, why you’re living where you do.

Produced in association with the Minnesota Culture Club. Visit them at

Why We're Here: Twin Cities from Seven and Sixty Productions on Vimeo.

This piece just makes me smile. (Just wish there were more shots of St. Paul in it....)

Nice work Adam and Seven and Sixty Productions.


  1. Very well done but there should have been more about St. Paul. It is the state capital.

  2. Yeah Anonymous, I felt the same way when I saw it. It's called "Why We're Here TWIN CITIES," but it's all about MPLS....


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!