Friday, March 04, 2011

A Peek Into Ansel Adams' Darkroom

Photographer Marc Silber got a chance to go into Ansel Adams' darkroom and produced this little video. Once you get past the pseudo-cheesy 20 second intro, the rest is pretty interesting. It's a nice peek inside Ansel's home / darkroom / process as told by his son, Michael. I love hearing the stories behind some of these images.

If you have 17 minutes, turn up the volume and enjoy.

I love seeing Ansel's "blueprints" for how he made his prints, and how his son can NOT translate them (at the 5:55 point).

You can see his unique darkroom set-up at the 8:50 point.

Did you know Adams dried his test sheets in his kitchen microwave? I didn't. Probably not the safest idea.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that, Steve. Always a treat to get some insight into his images.

    Fun to see several of the prints on the walls there that are scattered about the house here. The ones I picked are mainly my old stomping grounds, throughout the Sierras. But Moonrise is a must.


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!