Thursday, August 04, 2011

Intro to Digital Photo on a Island in WI

A few weeks ago I spent 5 days on a small island in WI. I was teaching a group of 10 adults who signed up to take a short "intro to digital photo" class through the College of Visual Arts.

My students and I after our last dinner on the island

I'm currently scanning some negatives of some photos I made on the island, so I'll be posting those shortly. In the meantime, here are some of my giant Post-It Notes around our classroom with some of my photo notes from the class on them. If you know something about photography, you'll be able to decipher most of these:

Basic camera operation

Some digital camera issues and settings

White balance, drive modes, and zooming

File size, compression, jpg vs raw

The START of the Photoshop notes before just jumping right in

Back with some images from the island shortly.

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