Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day of the Dead T-Shirts

The College of Visual Arts announced it was closing 2 weeks ago.

Later that day, a group was started on Facebook called "SaveCVA" where people brought up fundraising ideas and shared stories / photos from their time at CVA. A recent alumni posted a "Day of the Dead" design that soon got over 90 likes and 130 comments:

(Check out Brandon's 2 comments at the bottom)

The last 100+ comments on that image were orders for t-shirts. So Skip (the alum) started making shirts. He did one big round of printing, and I received this little package on Monday:

And on Tuesday, you could find me working in the Photo Labs in my new shirt:

I love working in the arts! Thanks Skip for the great shirt!

Update: Go HERE to order from Skip.

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