Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Last Semester at CVA Shared Through Instagram

I did a quick little Instagram project for the NY Times this past winter, and it got me thinking a little bit more regarding how to "use" Instagram. I'm still far from creating art with it, but I like the "collective" approach of seeing a glimpse of everyone's lives through their images.

The Spring 2013 semester was the final semester of The College of Visual Arts. Below is a collection (shown relatively chronologically) of Instagrammed images from students, alumni, and faculty from CVA. I sequenced the following 80 photographs from nearly 300 images that I pulled from about 40 different Instagram users.

NOTE: Anything in [italics and brackets] are my notes added after the artist's caption.

stolzmichelle: I will never forget, this semester will be the best, the unforgettable #cva #love

peterpancupcake [There was no comment given, but this was the first day of class for the final semester
when all current students and their parents met for an assembly about the closing of the school.
That's the stage where I was about to deliver a tough speech.]

catieisel: Well then.

aniems: It was a tough day, and there will be more to come... But I love my school, the friends I've made,
and the education I've received! Here's to one last awesome semester together at #cva #closingclass

jane_wunrowart: CVA alumni meeting to discuss the school closing. Q&A. I'm proud of our alum
and the support and questions. A community worth saving. #collegeofvisualarts

aniems: My favorite picture of #cva. I'm so blessed to have been a part of such an incredible community.

carolinehoudek: I took this out of the dishwasher today. It makes me sad.
And makes me not want to use the mug so it's not accidentally broken.

dam00se: There is something special about that place...

aenewman: Looking good as usual, cva

kenieshamarie: And so it begins... #newchapter [Students were able to enter MCAD through
a "teach out" agreement - this was from a meeting at MCAD early in this final semester.]

brittneylafond: No no no no no no no

geoffreynt: Going to have a hell of a time developing this film.

rachlhenn: Morning walk to class.

occision [I had a student who I thought was snapping photos during critique
in our Color Theory class. Turns out I was right.]

stevestenzel: More Munsell color work - @iamthans with all her pages laid out.

stevestenzel: Out last day painting with gouache in my Color Theory class.

stevestenzel: The last batches of color chemistry EVER were just mixed at CVA.


stolzmichelle: Artstagram

5hpy: The sun sets outside the drawing room

iamlizlewis: Watering the color processor with @brinkelcva14

aniems: #cva ♥ hoping for a turn around

aenewman: Just overcoming fears and fulfilling secret dreams, normal #cva stuff

occision: Long live cva

iamlizlewis: Hey everybody! Hit up Matt Volenec for a LoveCVA button! Proceeds go to SaveCVA!

qbear13: Making drugs in the photo lab. That's how we're going to save CVA. [We had a leaky chemistry bottle
that left this on the floor in the corner of one of the labs. The running joke was that we were making meth.]

qbear13: My heart is so broken.

jane_wunrowart: Represent. #cva #collegeofvisualarts #alum #alumni #represent

red_bow: Western

red_bow: CVA crest

ellenskoro: Office Door

thewolfwife: if ya print's a bust, u must adjust

carolinehoudek: If I was still working here I'm not sure I could have done this. [Caroline is
an alumna, a friend, and was the Photo Tech before me. The signs I put up regarding
the end of the semester / the end of the college depressed her.]

aniems: #cva #love

sarahlerum: The closer we get to the end of the semester, the more emotional I get about CVA closing.
#roughday #emotional

qbear13: Alt process.

stolzmichelle: Sad day.

sarahlerum: Love

red_bow: Best boss I have ever had! Last day :( [Aww shucks. Thanks Maddie.]

occision: Perfect. [This is Julie L'Enfant, Chair of Liberal Arts, looking at a drawing of
her likeness at a celebration that the students threw for the faculty and staff.]

katelynrose1991: Last day working the office of the CVA summit building.

brittneylafond: Finals.... #passedout

nickzdon: My students. Pullin' tables together. Just like old times. #CVA #Tradition #Latergram

stevestenzel: That's me dismantling the color processor at CVA. Sad times.

peterpancupcake: Installing the senior show #thesisprojects #seniors #galleryshow #AHHHHH!


iamlizlewis: Celebrating the bittersweet lats night of class with beer, pizza, and cake in Summit 301.
#cva #lastclass

red_bow: Last day at CVA

whambamsammcmahon: Graduation!!!!

whambamsammcmahon: #cva #collegeofvisualarts

killemilydead: Class of 2013 ♥

madelineevacrew: Last look at one of my favorite places! So heart-wrenching to see this amazing college go.
:( You gave me everything CVA! I will never forget you!! Xoxo

stolzmichelle: Going through my drawers and I found this packet. I walked through summit today and it made
me sad. I really love this place because of the people who shaped me and became my friends and family.

carolinehoudek: Says it all

catieisel: Farewell, beloved hallway.

stevestenzel: Ready for part 1 of the big CVA Photo Lab sale tomorrow.... :(

stevestenzel: So appropriate that on the day CVA started selling all assets, 2 tulips started blooming
in CVA's backyard ("the back 40" as we always called it).

ellenskoro: At the CVA liquidation sale...we might have put beer in the chemistry tanks?

carolinehoudek: It's like the F-Stop Swap... But sadder...

carolinehoudek: Just over a month ago, I was in this space printing and called it "heaven."
Now it is all for sale... Sad day.

jane_wunrowart: So sad to see my school close. However, I am thankful to receive items that mean
a lot to me and am excited to utilize them for years to come. #collegeofvisualarts #cva

thewolfwife: reunited for good. i'm ecstatic, inspired, and still sad, but so grateful. i know this camera like
the back of my hand and it was with this camera i made work that i'll forever be proud of. film forever.

stevestenzel: The last of the color processor loaded into the back of @thewolfwife's truck. #cva
Brunhilda, may you be resurrected someday......

stevestenzel: There's a hole in my soul. And the wall. #RIPCVA
[This is where the color processor once sat.]

jane_wunrowart: Visiting my school with my children before my school is no more.
#collegeofvisualarts #cva #almamater #memories

whambamsammcmahon: All over #cva #collegeofvisualarts

stevestenzel: "For Sale" sign recently went up at CVA.

stevestenzel: Had to make one last trip up to the CVA roof to take in the view of the High Bridge... #GoodbyeCVA

stevestenzel: Showing a long-time CVA staffer the view from the roof for the first time. (This is the view
looking up the "secret chute" as she looks out across the river valley.)

stevestenzel: Madeline with a truck and trailer full of CVA Darkroom gear!! Happy printing, @madelineevacrew!!

madelineevacrew: New darkroom equipment!! Next couple loads will put it all together!!

madelineevacrew: First negatives processed at the new lab!!! Omg this is amazing!! #photolab #darkroom
#gallery402b #studiotime #35mmfilm [Madeline got this all set up and processed film the SAME DAY that she moved
a lot of the old CVA Photo Lab equipment into her studio. I was so thrilled to see our equipment in use again!]

madelineevacrew: Project darkroom- complete!!! Holy shit I can't believe this!!!
#gallery402b #darkroom #photolab #photolab #projectdarkroom #northrupkingbuilding #loveartmaking

madelineevacrew: Dried prints from our first printing session! Still in shock! Yes!!! Xoxo
#gallery402b #darkroom #photolab #projectdarkroom #northrupkingbuilding

These final few Instagrams are all from me. These are from my final days at CVA and the following few weeks. (I stopped by a few times in early July once my contract was up to see what was going on.)

stevestenzel: The last of the staff from CVA out for lunch. After tomorrow, there will only be 2 or 3 still on the payroll.

stevestenzel: Final public sale at CVA.

stevestenzel: Henry's last trip down the grand staircase at #CVA.

stevestenzel: Forever un-recovered student mail at #CVA

stevestenzel: The definition of heart break. [This is the Photo Lab "check out window" completely empty.]

stevestenzel: Computer lab 301 at #CVA

stevestenzel: Henry, Orwell's "1984" might be a BIT over your head... #CVA
[That was the only remaining stack of books from CVA's collection.]

stevestenzel: CVA photo studio. :(

stevestenzel: CVA Library.

stevestenzel: CVA Drawing Classroom.

stevestenzel: What's left of the B&W Lab.

And here's a final note from a student of mine who only was able to attend CVA for 1 year before it closed. She summed it all up as well as anyone could:

iamthans: And so it is. Forever my home away from home.

It's funny... after looking at all of these photos of this place (buildings, hallways, and classrooms), I realized that it's not the PLACE people are really going to miss. It's the people and the memories and the education that took root in these places. CVA is no longer a tangible location... now it's just a state of mind.

Long live CVA.


  1. This made me cry to see everything empty. Thank you for refreshing memories though, beautifully done. -Rachael

  2. Beautiful and sad. Thank you Steve-O.

    Without CVA I never would have met you.

  3. I hate this. This is dumb. Someone somewhere is dumb. But Julie was looking at my illustration of her! That makes me happy. But boo to everything else.

  4. And by "this is dumb," I mean the school closing is dumb! Not this post or these photos! Oh, boy, I'm over-thinking things again. Can we have a BBQ at your house soon for my section?

  5. Speechless and weeping.

  6. Great compilation of heart-stirring photos & captions. What a treasure for everyone to see. Thanks for all you've done for CVA, Steve. Peace to everyone.

  7. If 1 picture equals 1,000 words, 80 pictures doesn't even scratch the surface of what CVA was! Thanks for putting this together Steve. I am very proud to have been a part of the College of Visual Arts for 3 years and nobody can take that from me.

  8. I love the pictures, but at the same time they make my heart ache. CVA was my life and home for 13 years and I remember so many of you. Thanks for making every day an adventure. (CVA did not have to close, the board was unwilling to take a risk and do what was right!)Sibyl Roche, Controller

  9. Just stopped by for another look. Thanks Steve.


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!