Saturday, November 30, 2013

No Shave November

On Monday, Jacob Stordahl (one of my Digital Photography students at Hamline) took a photo of me for an on-going "No Shave November" project of his. Here was what I was able to grow:

It's a bit shaggier longer now that it's been another 5 days, but my wife says it won't make it through the day tomorrow (December 1st). RIP beard of 2013.


  1. That's a great looking beard. The other's were got me!

  2. I'm not usually into facial hair but that seriously look really good on you. The mustache just needs a little trimming. Have to disagree with Pharmie on this one.

  3. Ha Kevin… I think I had a few people going.

    And Veronica, my wife says "yeah, but she doesn't have to kiss you."

  4. I Hope your wife Changed Her Mind
    Looks Good on You

  5. I Hope your wife Changed Her Mind
    Looks Good on You


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!