Sunday, December 08, 2013

Found on the Whiteboard at Hamline

We have a few magnetic whiteboards in my classroom at Hamline where there are big magnets for holding prints during critiques. After our Project 3 critique where magnets were spread everywhere, I found it like this at the start of the next class:

Saturday, November 30, 2013

No Shave November

On Monday, Jacob Stordahl (one of my Digital Photography students at Hamline) took a photo of me for an on-going "No Shave November" project of his. Here was what I was able to grow:

It's a bit shaggier longer now that it's been another 5 days, but my wife says it won't make it through the day tomorrow (December 1st). RIP beard of 2013.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Driving Through Southern Minnesota

I spent 4 hours on the road earlier today as I took my son to Grandma's for the weekend. I stopped for a few photos (just on my phone) at an abandoned garage on top of a small hill along Hwy 30.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Five Photo Links for Early November

• 1: Here's a trailer for an upcoming documentary called "Long Live Film." I don't need to tell you what the movie is about.

Direct Link:

I really agree with the line "I like HOW it makes me shoot..." I've been staying that for years.

(Side note: it looks like they didn't shoot the film on film. If they were really smart, they would have...)

• 2: Buzzfeed was using a photograph from a photographer/engineer from California. But they didn't ask to use it. He posted about copyright issues and his fight with Buzzfeed after he found this photo of his on one of their most popular posts:

CLICK HERE for the photographers story (which ends up turing out OK for him as Buzzfeed agreed to pay his invoice for $500 to a charity).

• 3: Who says you can't be "discovered?" Rosie Hardy was a young photographer with a Flickr page when a little band named Maroon 5 stumbled across her work.

The band liked one of her images, and contacted her to shoot something like that for their new album. And now it's on the cover of their CD. CLICK HERE for more on Rosie and a video about her story being discovered. (But this won't keep me from still telling my students "don't WAIT to be discovered - you've gotta go work for it!")

• 4: Recognize this photo?

Probably not. But there's quite the story to it, which ends in the only time that 2 men from the same aircraft received the Congressional Medal of Honor for a mission. CLICK HERE for the entire story if you're a history / WWII / photography buff.

• 5: And finally, here's a depressing little CNN article for other Adjunct Professors like me. It's titled "Adjunct professors are the new working poor." Damn. (But I should make sure to point out that it IS an "opinion" piece. If you want to put yourself in the middle of a big debate, read through the comments of that article...)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mouth and Eyes

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
-Samuel Palmer

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Best Professor T-Shirt

Reddit just posted something that I'd LOVE to do....

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Quick Test

As a photographer with a toddler at home, I think many of you know what my answer is....

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Digi Photo Classroom at Hamline University

We're 5 weeks into the semester at Hamline, and I thought I'd show you my new classroom.

16 stations, an instructor station, and 3 flatbed / film scanners.

11-color Epson 4900 printer station on the other side of the "half wall" to the right in the first photo.

The adjunct office near my classroom. It's a lot of space to share with only 2 other professors.

Another computer and corner in my office.

At my request, some homasote board was put up in the hallways around the Digital Media Arts department around my classroom (which is in the basement so the hallways are nothing fancy). I had my class hang their prints from our first critique last week:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Five Photo Links for Mid-September

• 1: National Geographic has a new website to highlight their great photography. This is what they say: "FOUND is a curated collection of photography from the National Geographic archives. In honor of our 125th anniversary, we are showcasing photographs that reveal cultures and moments of the past. Many of these photos have never been published and are rarely seen by the public."

Some images are beautiful, some are historical, and many are both. You could keep scrolling for days. There are some amazing photos in this collection, and many of them are for sale. Check it out here.

"The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge from Yerba Buena Island in 1936."

"Teenage girls in bathing suits and caps pose on a dock in Brandenburg, Germany, March 1928."

"Astronaut Neil Armstrong floats in his space suit in a pool of water in 1967."

"Scientists take samples to study radioactive discharges in the Susquehanna River in Maryland, March 1985."

• 2: On the anniversary of 9/11 last week, Esquire online re-published an article (first published 10 years ago) about this horrific photo:

• 3: Hasselblad just opened it's first retail store in Japan.

• 4: An article from Forbes Magazine about one of my photography favorites: Joel Sternfeld.

• 5: Two related posts (here and here) talk about the lost art of darkroom printing with some iconic celebrity portraits.

Dennis Stock's photos of James Dean

Thomas Hoekper's photo of Muhammad Ali

Bob Henriques' photo of photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson (with MLK Jr blurry in the foreground)

Dennis Stock's photo of Audrey Hepburn

p.s. If you're a local, the F-Stop Swap is happening this weekend in Brooklyn Park.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Found While Excavating the Garage

We just dug up the concrete around our garage, and here are a few random things I found in the process:

Click here to enlarge.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Abraham Lincoln on Photography (and Your Face)

This is an actual Lincoln quote. Really. I'm not joking.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Start of a New Semester

I recently Instagrammed this with the caption "My new home."

I even have a little presence on the Faculty and Staff page on the Hamline website:

CLICK HERE to go to the page and read more.

Well it's obvious that I need a new "professional" photo of myself. That selfie from 7 years ago isn't cutting it anymore....

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cross-Section of Cameras and Lenses

Just some nerdy sliced open photo gear for your viewing pleasure:

A Leica lens  (via)

Same Leica lens as above

A dSLR  (via)

A Nikon D3 dSLR  (via)

Same Nikon D3 dSLR as above

Lenses  (via)

Zeiss 15mm f/2.8 Distagon - that's a pretty spendy lens...  (via)

Canon EF 400mm f/4  (via)

Canon D1 with 400mm lens - a $15,000 set-up back in it's day  (via)

And if you liked those, you might want to consider getting one of these:
