Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tip: Get a Good "Tiny Backpack"

In the past year, I've really became a fan of my little "backpack" camera bag:

(With a water bottle for scale, shot with my cellphone because my "good" camera is packed in there.)

It's a TEK by Tamrac, and it's very tiny. I don't use it that much, but it's great in the right situations. It only looks "bigger" in that photo because it's pretty stuffed for my upcoming trip to Israel. In that tiny pack is:

- dSLR with 28-135 IS lens
- detachable flash
- a Sony Action Cam (like a GoPro), manual, waterproof case, and cords
- Holga medium format camera
- roll of black tape (to tape up Holga after loading it each time)
- 7 rolls of 120 medium format film
- 2 different battery chargers (one for my point-and-shoot and one for my dSLR)
- an extra battery for my dSLR
- case with 4 CF cards
- case with 3 SD cards
- 8 extra AA batteries for flash

The best part of this is that I can unload most of that in my hotel room in Israel, and then load it up with other things for half-day outings in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

On a related note, stay tuned for some possible photos from Israel. Now, back to packing...

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