Thursday, July 10, 2014

Spring at 4 a.m.

I went out with my camera the day before Spring began to make some photos in a nearby park. More snow had fallen overnight to add to the tremendous amount of snow we'd gotten over the winter, and I was compelled to make a sarcastically beautiful photo as if to say "Come on Winter... SPRING is supposed to be here tomorrow!" I made that photo just after 4 a.m. with a 30 second exposure in the darkness.

Then I continued to step out early to make photos once a week throughout all of Spring. Below are 15 photos from sometime during the 4 o'clock hour during Spring of 2014.

[click each image to enlarge]

Snowfall in Merriam Park.

Minnehaha Falls.

Under the Franklin Ave Bridge.

The Cathedral of St. Paul.

Mickey's Diner.

Under the High Bridge.

At the Ford Lock and Dam.

Witches Hat Tower in Prospect Park.

Grain Elevators.

Entrance to Swede Hollow Park.

Driftwood on Raspberry Island.

Downtown St. Paul from a Rail Bridge.

Bike Trail and Mississippi River in South St. Paul.

Under the Stone Arch Bridge.

High Water at Harriet Island.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos, and interesting concept!


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