Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Winter 2016" at Weinstein

This afternoon, I took my Digital Photo II class from Hamline to the Weinstein Gallery in south Minneapolis. I hadn't been there to see a show for a while, and this show was packed with big names. So we had to check it out. Here are a few snaps of our visit:

Looking at some lesser-known Annie Leibovitz photos.
(These aren't the style of images that I picture when I think of her work.)

Some classic Mole and Thomas images on the left, and some quirky Elliott Erwitt's on the right.



I've been a fan of Vera Lutter for many years, so it was great to see some of her
one-of-a-kind pinhole paper negatives. My class was intrigued.

Edward Burtynsky had some beautiful images that entranced my students.

Some newer Alec Soth work.

It was a great show. It's up for another 3 weeks, so check it out.

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