Saturday, July 02, 2016

'Night' Opening Reception at the Center for Fine Art Photography in Colorado

Last night, my wife and I enjoyed the opening reception for "Night" at the Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colorado. Here are a few photos from the opening:

Gallery director Hamidah Glasgow introducing a few of the photographers.

Me giving a quick talk about my work.

People chatting.

In the other gallery (filled with a nice portfolio show) looking into the main gallery.

A bookcase in the lobby had an enviable collection of photo books.
(As well as some old-school "decorations" on the top.)

The FIRST thing I had to check on when I got to the gallery was to make sure that
my 32" x 41" homemade frame survived the trip. It still had nice and tight joints. Sweet.

My wife's dweeby photo of me and my piece.

A photo that I Instagrammed of my wife and I at the opening.

We had a great/long chat with Brandie (photographer with red hair) and her husband
at the reception. And then Hamdiah (the gallery director) joined us. Lots of laughs.

I had some nice conversations about my work with about a half dozen people - 1 older man taught at Iowa State for years (so we talked about Garrison Keillor and midwest winters), and one couple where the husband worked for Ilford his entire life. Very friendly people and great conversations!

Check back in a few days: I'll have some more photos of the exhibition itself that I made this morning after I had a portfolio review with Hamidah.

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Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!