Thursday, September 29, 2016

"The Art of Teaching" Photography Biennial at Concordia University

The Photography Biennial at Concordia University is about to come down. Here are some photographs of the exhibition in case you won't be able to see it:

[click on any image to enlarge]

My piece right at the entrance to the gallery
(next to former professor [and then colleague] Linda Gammell's piece).

My 2-year-old hiding in the middle of the gallery.

Two other posts from the Photography Biennial:
- Some photographs from the opening reception.
- The postcards for the Biennial.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Nerdy" Week of Class

I posted this last week on Instagram:

Caption: "After my favorite nerdy week of class, we looked at some
old photos. (Dead baby photo in the lower left.)"

I love that week of class. I get so nerdily excited about teaching this stuff.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Work Back from the Anderson Center

My 2-year-old and I recently made the trip down to Red Wing to pick up my 5 pieces that were hanging in an exhibition since June. They made the trip back to my studio just fine:

Here's more from that exhibition from a few months ago. Thanks Anderson Center!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Camera Restricta

Here's an interesting idea: a German designer named Philipp Schmitt created a camera that will NOT let you take a photo if too many photos have already been taken in that location. It's called the "Camera Restricta."

Here's a bit from this article:

The concept relies on GPS technology and geotagging: the camera body, which is 3D-printed, houses a bundle of electronics and a smartphone; the phone determines a user’s location and runs an application that scans the photo-sharing communities Flickr and Panoramio for existing pictures taken and tagged at sites within a 115-foot radius of the device. If that number is 35 or less, the camera’s screen, which displays the number of photos the application has tracked as well as one’s GPS coordinates, will read YES — and photographers may snap away. But if that number is over 35, a large, red X and an error message will appear, the shutter button will retract, and users will likely be frustrated.

The threshold of 35 itself is not a limit that theorizes on when photographs become too repetitive: Schmitt said he chose the number simply to refer to a roll of 35mm film.

Here's a video of another photographer using the Camera Restricta:

Direct link:

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Photography Biennial Opening Reception at Concordia

"The Art of Teaching" opened at the Concordia Gallery on Thursday night. Here are a few quick iPhone snaps of the reception, which had a nice solid flow of people coming through for all 3 hours:

[click on any image to enlarge]

My piece (next to former CVA professor Linda Gammell's piece) right at the entrance to the gallery.

My boys running through the gallery early on.

An iPhone panorama near the end of the night.

A shot that I Instagrammed of 4 former CVAers at the show (and this was right before a
5th [Lynda Monick-Isenberg] showed up). This is photo prof Linda Gammell, me, design chair
John Dufresne, and photo prof/photo tech Caroline Houdek.

I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by on Thursday evening. It was a fun night!

The Concordia Gallery is located at 1301 Marshall Avenue in St. Paul, and it's open M-F from 10-4 if you'd like to stop by and see the show. It's open through October 1st.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Photography Biennial Postcards

The postcards for the Photography Biennial that I'm a part of came last week. (I shared the design of them a few weeks ago, but now I've seen the physical postcards.) Here's a stack of them:

Click the image for a larger version.

Stop by the opening reception THIS THURSDAY! Here's a link to the Facebook event for the opening.

Monday, September 05, 2016

Two Thoughts on Living an Artist's Life...

First, a comic from Things In Squares:

And here's a quote from author Kurt Vonnegut (posted by The Mind Unleashed):