Saturday, September 10, 2016

Photography Biennial Opening Reception at Concordia

"The Art of Teaching" opened at the Concordia Gallery on Thursday night. Here are a few quick iPhone snaps of the reception, which had a nice solid flow of people coming through for all 3 hours:

[click on any image to enlarge]

My piece (next to former CVA professor Linda Gammell's piece) right at the entrance to the gallery.

My boys running through the gallery early on.

An iPhone panorama near the end of the night.

A shot that I Instagrammed of 4 former CVAers at the show (and this was right before a
5th [Lynda Monick-Isenberg] showed up). This is photo prof Linda Gammell, me, design chair
John Dufresne, and photo prof/photo tech Caroline Houdek.

I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by on Thursday evening. It was a fun night!

The Concordia Gallery is located at 1301 Marshall Avenue in St. Paul, and it's open M-F from 10-4 if you'd like to stop by and see the show. It's open through October 1st.

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