Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hamline's "Open Studios" Event

Last night was the "Open Studios" event at Hamline University for the Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts (DMA) students:

The event was featured on Hamline's main page.

On Hamline's website, it was written that "the departments will open the studios and classrooms to display some of the best work made this semester in graphic design, photography, audio, video, web, games and more. There will also be 3D printing demonstrations."

The map of the buildings involved in the event.

Some work from my students this semester up in the halls.

It's not a sexy space to display work, but the classrooms around the corner are fantastic.

The classroom where I teach with games, videos, interactive pieces, and audio pieces created
by DMA students. (Along with photos from students in my class being projected on the big screen.)

The other side of the classroom.

People starting to stop by.

Typology pieces.

Design work in the lab with the 3D printers.

Design work in the hallway.

Design work and my students' photos in the hall.

Watching a short film.

An audio installation in the room next door.

More people in the classroom...

... it was really starting to fill up.

Watching video and animation work on the big TV in the hallway.

Then I headed out to studios A, B, and C (as noted on the map at the top of this post):

Drawings in studio C.

More drawings.

Now in the Fine Arts Building, I had to check out the printmaking studios.


More printmaking.

Yet more printmaking.

I realized I never made it up to see the paintings, so no photos of that from those studios. Sorry!

Nice job, DMA and Fine Arts students! The work looked good last night!

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