Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Photos from the Opening Reception of "RISE"

Last week was the opening reception of "RISE:" a juried exhibition of College of Visual Arts graduates. I was at the opening for a while, and here are a few photos:

That's my piece in the middle. The one with no one looking at it. *sad face*

On the CVA Action Facebook page, I found this photo of the opening where you can see me, my wife, and my boys:

Also, in conjunction with this exhibition, CVA Action is hosting some fun "Pecha Kucha" artist talks next week, which will feature people associated with CVA:

I know most of this isn't legible in this tiny image, but what you need to know is at the bottom:
Sept 21 at 6:45 pm at the Buenger Education Center (200 Syndicate St N) at Concordia University.

Check out CVA Action on Facebook and find out more about the Concordia Art Gallery here. The exhibition is up through October 11 if you want to stop by: M-F 10-4.

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