Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Final Photos from the "RISE" Exhibition

CVA Action shared a great album of photos from the "RISE" exhibition that was up 2 months ago at the Concordia Gallery. Here's a link to the album if you'd like to take a look. Below are 6 photos from the album (2 general photos and 4 of my piece):

(click each photo to enlarge)


My piece on the far right.

Also, I just saw that CVA Action had another album from the opening reception. Here are 2 from that one:

Me chatting with Concordia professor Cate Vermeland (left) and former
CVA professor and juror of this exhibition Karen Wirth (middle).

See more on CVA Action's Facebook page.

Related: here are my 3 posts about the exhibition: photos from the opening reception, a panorama of the exhibition, and the photos I made of the entire show.

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