Thursday, July 19, 2018

Photos from the CVA Reunion

This past weekend, CVA Action organized an all-school reunion for those associated with the College of Visual Arts in Saint Paul. Studio on Fire (a printmaking studio owned by a CVA alumni) hosted the event. Here are a few pics from Bill Kelley and Caroline Houdek Solomon, with the first 3 from Ken Friberg (all 3 are CVA photo grads):

Everyone who was there at 8 pm. I'm the 10th from the right. Click here for a larger version.

Ken's photo during the presentation.

Ken's photo of the current board members (many of whom I worked with when
I was co-president a few years back), along with Ben L from Studio on Fire.

Next a handful of pics from Caroline.

A wall with some memories.

A LOT of CVA paraphernalia for people to take.

A different angle of the last shot, mainly to show Studio on Fire's IMPRESSIVE beer can collection.

If you claim to be affiliated with CVA but do not have one of these mugs, then you are not truly affiliated with CVA.

Lots of mingling.

Sarah F and Kristi B - I didn't see them to get to say hi!

Lots of familiar faces in this shot.

Nancy D (secretary), Maria S (printmaking), and Lynn T (admissions).

And here are a few pics from Bill. This is Kolean P talking with Ben L behind her, Neal R, Caroline HS, and Sarah L.

Chatting with a group that graduated just before I did.

Carly S, Shannon B, me, Lisa D, Anne M, and someone who's name I forgot.

Ben L and Cory L comparing hipsterness. (I mean that lovingly.)

Lynn T and Keri H.

Sherry E and Nancy D. Sherry was the one who gave me a tour back in 1998/99.

Marian B and Jess (Rudy A's wife).

A food truck parked outside.

Marian and lots of current or former board members: Diane, Nyla, Diane, and Kolean.

Deb and Monica from around my time at CVA.

Val J (chair of fine arts), Seth W (with an awesome shirt of his design), and Kate J.

And finally, here are a few of my pics. This is during the presentation (Sarah L is speaking).

Selfie after talking with former students Liz F, Abby H, Garret (not a former student), and Sarah L.

Photographer selfie! CVA photo grads (and 2 of my former bosses in the photo lab) Caroline HS and Bill K!

From Lynn: a fun photo after talking with Syril M and Lynn for a bit.

Letterpress versions (made by Studio on Fire) of an old CVA poster, and a "Save CVA" card from 5 years ago.

Some promo cards from when I *started* at CVA, featuring many
people I knew during my time there. Click here for a larger version.

I saw so many faces that I'd forgotten about, and it was 90% happy with 10% sadness. Thanks for organizing CVA Action! And thanks for hosting Studio on Fire!

CVA Action posted a lot of photos from a slideshow from throughout CVA's history, and I want to post a bunch of those shortly. So check back. Or just check out the album on CVA Action's Facebook page.

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