Friday, December 14, 2018

"Open Studios" 2018 at Hamline University

Last night, all the Art and Digital Media Arts (DMA) classrooms at Hamline opened their doors and had student work on display. I hung some student work last weekend, and I passed along digital files from each of my students to be included in a projected slideshow. Here are some photos of the work being shown. (And sorry, these are just quick iPhone snaps as I was there with both of my boys... as you'll see below in some of the photos.)

A hallway near my classroom with prints on the wall.

Some of my student's first large roll prints in a "Directorial Mode" project. (Approx 17x24 inch prints.)

More "Directorial Mode" work.

A quick Holga diptych project. Yes, they shot (and then scanned) medium format film!
So just for fun, I had a open roll of film hung under the project description to the left.

A nicely shot documentary project (about an iron pour).

A sampling of portraits.

My boys getting ready to check out some interactive work on the computers in one of my classrooms.

Design work.

Color theory projects under glass.

Interactive work on the computers, and a slideshow going
through images from all of my students on the big screen.

Work out in Studio C.

Lots of people making Zines in Studio C.

A Zine swap once you've made one.

My boys liked the sculptural work in Studio A and B.
Back in that dark room was a great metal and sound-based performance.

Printmaking work outside of the Printmaking studio in Drew Fine Arts.

A nice print by one of my photo students.

Printmaking work on the walls of the Printmaking studio.

Lots of printmaking work.

Part of a large accordion book (this was about half of it) in Drew Hall.

A close-up. This was done by a former student of mine.

My son Henry experiencing VR for the first time. With Dave Ryan helping!

The VR piece made it appear that you were walking around an art gallery. But then the artwork starts falling off the wall and then it floats up. Suddenly, the walls collapse and you're in the middle of a snowy field. Both of my boys tried it, and they both said it was "really cool." Thanks for helping them, Dave!

A few students checking out the interactive work.

Posters from a design class.

More posters.

It was a fun event, and I really enjoy seeing other work than just my photography student's pieces! Nice job, Hamline students! Now good luck with finals!

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