Thursday, June 20, 2019

A Recent 4 a.m. Photo and the MN Historical Society

Last month, I was photographing during the 4 a.m. hour in the fog at Historic Fort Snelling on the south edge of St. Paul:

As I photographed, a herd of 4 deer were walking around me. One let me get really close. So I made this following photo with a deer in it (and it was a wide 28mm lens, so the deer was close!). It looked at me for half the exposure, then walked a few steps and put its head down to eat:

It didn't "go viral," but it was posted a number of times in the week after that. Historic Fort Snelling shared it on Facebook:

As did The Fort Snelling Foundation...

... and, most excitingly, the Minnesota Historical Society!

The Minnesota Historical Society tweeted about it as well.

That was truly a magical morning out there as the fog rolled over me. Thanks Fort Snelling!

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