Friday, December 13, 2019

"Open Studios" 2019 at Hamline University

Last night was the "Open Studios" event at Hamline University. The "Digital Media Arts" (DMA) department and the ARTS department opened the doors of their studios to show off student work from the semester. Here are some photos I snapped throughout the evening:

[Click on any photo to enlarge.]

Trying out a VR project.

Kennedy exploring a VR space.

Design projects (conceptual movie posters) in the hallway.

Some short videos being screened in a room in Drew.

In my normal classroom, all the computers had web design and/or student designed games.

Some students and families taking a look.

Josh telling people about the projects.

Student photography work in a slideshow in the hallway outside of our classroom.

Outside in Studio C, there was a lot going on...

... students looking at projects and zines...

... a "creative writing" class doing some readings...

... and more readings among the art.

Sculpture work in Studio A and B.

Some cast figures.

In the Drew Fine Arts building, there was a 8' x 18' project by an
entire painting class representing recent forest fires in the Amazon.
(Each of those canvases is a different student, and they are 30" x 30" each.)

Here's 1 of many covered walls in the printmaking studio.

Back in Drew Hall, there was a conference room that was turned into a book design showcase.

"dreamBot" by Josh and Dave from the DMA Department.

Close-up of the bottled "dreams" of the interactive work "dreamBot."

Back in the Drew Hall basement, there was an interactive sound piece in the
"maker lab." You could put on headphones and speak into the blue (3D printed) ears.

Micah and Cole experimenting with it.

Listening to some of the recorded audio.

Some audio projects set up in the audio suite.

Chloe and Hannah listening/watching some audio projects.

Animations on display down the hall.

I'd never been in the room converted to a letterpress space until last night.

Anyone who stopped by got to ink up some type.

Pulling a print with Curt's help.

Curt showing some students the type.

My print at the end of the night. It had been previously inked in red, so I
rolled some purple on in spots to give it this stained/mottled look.

Thanks to everyone who came to check out the work! Now, good luck with finals next week!

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