Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Review Santa Fe

I recently got a catalog for "Review Santa Fe" in the mail. I was one of a 100 photographers who took part in this event 14 years ago (before I was blogging). Here's a bit from their website regarding what it is:

CENTER’s premier juried portfolio review event, the Review Santa Fe Photo Festival, is a weekend conference and festival for photographers who have created a documentary project or fine art series and who are seeking audience expansion, critical discussion and community gathering in a unique place.


This special weekend festival has been called one of the most effective professional development programs for photographers in the world. The reviewers and the 100 Photographers travel from around the world to take part. Hosting over 1,000 one-on-one portfolio reviews with curators, editors, publishers and international festival directors who each year come to Santa Fe to view the photographic vanguard.

I was lucky enough to get accepted right out of grad school, and I even was given a travel grant/scholarship to attend (most likely partly due to a great letter that Alec Soth wrote for me). Inside the magazine that recently came in the mail, they shared a listing of participants over the years, and I found my name:

The 2005 crew.

There I am!

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