Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Monthly Challenge for 2020

I like the idea of a daily or weekly or monthly "photo challenge" as I've toyed with that idea for the last few years, but everyday life seems to get in the way of those things for me. I decided to finally try something in 2020, but to make it simple and manageable.

I'm planning to try something new each month in 2020. It could be a new process, a mini photo series, brushing up on some technology, taking a small class, etc. (Sort of like the kindergarten billboard shoot that I did at the end of 2019.) It's not much, but it might help keep me learning and trying new things throughout the year.

I'll be back shortly with my January report.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Photoshoot for St. Thomas More School

At the end of last year, I did a quick photoshoot for my sons' school here in St. Paul. I didn't pick the kids, but that's my youngest 2nd to the right with some of his classmates:

Click here for a larger version.

A few days ago, that image appeared a 1/2 mile from school on a billboard on Grand Ave here in St. Paul:

A friend sent me a pic right away saying she saw my son on her drive home from work.

And today, I also spotted that image in the Villager, a newspaper for the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul:

Click here for a larger version.

I've never had a photo on a billboard before. It was fun working on something I'm not used to (or comfortable) doing.

But working with kindergartners also reminded me that I made the right career move by being a college professor. I'm happy to work with young adults any day. God bless kindergarten teachers!

Monday, January 06, 2020

Color Theory Joke

After a few generations, wouldn't they all just be a shade of brown?   :)