Monday, January 13, 2020

Photoshoot for St. Thomas More School

At the end of last year, I did a quick photoshoot for my sons' school here in St. Paul. I didn't pick the kids, but that's my youngest 2nd to the right with some of his classmates:

Click here for a larger version.

A few days ago, that image appeared a 1/2 mile from school on a billboard on Grand Ave here in St. Paul:

A friend sent me a pic right away saying she saw my son on her drive home from work.

And today, I also spotted that image in the Villager, a newspaper for the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul:

Click here for a larger version.

I've never had a photo on a billboard before. It was fun working on something I'm not used to (or comfortable) doing.

But working with kindergartners also reminded me that I made the right career move by being a college professor. I'm happy to work with young adults any day. God bless kindergarten teachers!

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