Sunday, April 05, 2020

Recreating Classic Paintings in Quarantine

States around the country are in differing levels of "lock down" - here in MN we are asked to "stay at home," some places have a more strict "shelter at home," and some places have been quarantined to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

There's been a fun movement within the arts that came out of this. It seems to have started with a few roommates about 2 weeks ago who got bored and challenged themselves to recreate classic paintings at home with things they have around the house. (They can't go out, after all.) And major museums have jumped on the bandwagon asking people to tweet their best attempts.

Here are my favorite 20 that I've found. Some are pretty spot-on, and others are entertaining because they are a little farther off or present a more modern twist:

This person noted that they didn't have cherries... but they *did* have strawberries.

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