Monday, June 08, 2020

"Director's Award" from the The In Art Gallery

I was recently notified that I had a piece accepted to The In Art Gallery's June exhibition entitled "The Premier Exhibition." Not only that, but my piece won The Director's Award which comes with a cash prize!

"The Premier Exhibition's" main page, with my piece at the top.

The funny thing is that I shot this photo on a Wednesday, and then I was notified 8 days later that it was accepted into this show and won the "Director's Award." That's a personal best for me! Such a quick turn-around.

It's not my most interesting 4 a.m. photo BY FAR, but it's incredibly timely. It's part of a greater discussion right now. So that must have made it more interesting to the juror. (I haven't heard any specifics as to what the juror/gallery thought of my piece, and I'll share them here if they let me know.) It's pretty common to have discussions like this about who's working with an all-around interesting idea, and who's working with an idea that works because it is timely. And this is a clear example of the latter.

Thanks to The In Art Gallery for the award!

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